Thursday, 13 October 2016

Mini Makeup Haul

Happy Friday to all 😄 It's finally time to relax and enjoy some time to unwind and have fun❤

So this week I had to go makeup shopping because I ran out of some essentials - so sad right 🙄.  Joking apart as I am a student I always find this hard as I would want to buy every item that catches my eye, however this is not possible as my budget is very limited😔.

I had to narrow my shopping spree to these 4 items :

So let's start going into them.

Rimmel Match Perfection Transculent Loose Powder - I've heard great things about the brand Rimmel and although my very first foundation was from this brand I sort of forgot about it over the years. So, I'd like to give it a try again and as I I've heard great reviews about the Match Perfection line I picked out this item. I like its packaging, it feels of good quality and there is enough product to last quite a while (hopefully)! It also comes with a very soft applicator, however I still have to try this out.

Let's jump onto the NYX wagon - so I ran out of liquid eyeliner and what I wanted was a gel liner however they did not have available (disappointed). So I opted for a matte liquid liner. It has a very fine brush which will ensure a flawless application. I've never used this type of brush before so I hope that it is really flawless🙈. 

NYX HD Photogenic Concealer No.5 -  I had this concealer before and I ran out of it as I used it endlessly. I has very good coverage and when blended well it does not look or feel cakey. I personally love this concealer very much - that's why I bought it again aye! 😋

Last item on the list is the Sleek Cream Contour Kit in Light - You may tell me that I am very late to jump onto this bandwagon but here's the confession - I have never contoured before 🙊. I have seen endless tutorials of contouring and I loved them , however I never had a contour palette before so I never had the chance to try it out on myself. But now I can, and I will! I am sooo excited to use this palette and I hope that it is as good as other Sleek products. Let me know in the comments below if you'd like a review about it. 

This leads us to the end of  today's post ! I hope you enjoyed reading about the items I bought - do let me know if you'd like a review about any of the items ! 😙

With love,

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  1. I have not tried any of these products yet but I would love to pick up the sleek contour kit. It has been so hyped about lately!

    Sarah | What Sarah Writes

    1. I just tried it last Friday - it is amazing! As I said I haven't tried contouring before and I was a bit afraid of applying it wrongly, but it was super easy to blend and created a very subtle contour (could be because I did not apply loads of product). I loved it!
